Komodo is the leader of The Savage Beasts. His powers over heat energy are tied to his mystic katana. He is an expert swordsman and is highly skilled in Kendo and Kenjutsu.
Komodo is the leader of The Savage Beasts. His powers over heat energy are tied to his mystic katana. He is an expert swordsman and is highly skilled in Kendo and Kenjutsu.
Owl is the most intelligent of The Savage Beasts and the team strategist. Once Owl completely understands a concept or theory, she can manipulate it. This makes her a deadly adversary as she has Doctorates in Physics and Chemistry.
Cheetah is a highly trained marksman and long-range weapon expert who has complete control over his speed. He is also a skilled mechanical engineer and he makes all of the team's weapons and tech.
Boar is the team’s demolition expert. He can consume matter or energy to increase his strength, inertia, and durability.
King is the team’s martial arts and hand to hand combat expert and trainer. King's powers are unknown because anyone who has seen them has not lived to tell the tale...
Viper is the result of one of The Doctor's twisted genetic experiments. Infused with a cocktail of toxins, venoms, poisons, and reptile DNA, she now has a snake like appearance and deadly abilities to match.
The Doctor
The Doctor is a mad scientist who is extremely proficient at gene editing. Using animal DNA, he creates vicious Chimeras that do his bidding and serve out terror. The Doctor has been known to experiment on humans, so who knows what he has done to his own DNA...